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61 photos

EscapeRock Of Cashel TipperaryChurch in Ticino SwitzerlandWindmill near El Cotillo, FuerteventuraShadowsKoutoubia Mosque and Minaret, shot through palm tree as the sun set over MarrakechThe lonesome boatman, Vltava river, Prague, Czech RepublicAmerican Star Shipwreck FuerteventuraSunrise near Clonmel, Co TipperaryForgotten PlacesSunset over Fethard, TipperaryThe Black Valley KerryLadies View KillarneyThe Namib DesertTramore beach, Co Waterford IrelandStormy skies over barley fieldBrandenburg Gate BerlinThe Rock Of CashelLone Tree with stormy skyA peaceful stroll on the beach

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